What is home staging?

Home staging involves preparing a property for sale by enhancing its appearance to appeal to potential buyers. This may include decluttering, depersonalising, and arranging furniture to showcase the property's best features and create a welcoming atmosphere.

Alternatively, you may consider virtual home staging if the property listings online are failing to generate any viewings – read more about our Virtual home staging service

A recent report by Zoopla (1) (Oct 2023) found that staged homes in the UK sell for an average of 10% more than un-staged homes, and on average they sell 3 times faster.  So, if your detached home has been valued at the national average of £447k (2), home staging could get you offers up to £492k. Even if you spent £10k on styling your home, that's a welcome additional profit of £35k.

So far this year, in 2024, there’s been an uplift of 22% more homes being listed for sale. (3) Whereas the number of buyers has only increased by 12% in the same time. Sellers are now competing for a buyer at a much higher rate than the previous 12 months. Every opportunity to gain a potential buyer viewing is vital.

Given these compelling statistics, whether you're a property developer or selling your own home, it's evident that this presents a golden opportunity for you to optimise your sales potential.

Consider virtual home staging

Physical home staging can be expensive. Instead, we offer an option to give buyers attractive “virtual staging” photos to view on the property selling websites such as Rightmove and Zoopla to entice them to view the house themselves. The average conversion rate from viewings to offer (4) is 10, so for every buyer who likes what they see online enough to arrange a viewing, you are 10% closer to that offer you hope to reach.

How does virtual home staging work?

Virtual home staging involves using the estate agent’s photos of the empty rooms in the property and adapting them.  Our skilled interior designer uses graphic design software to add furniture, accessories, lighting and in some cases a lick of paint into the photos. We always take into account the direction of light into the space, ensuring a natural looking enhancement to the space is achieved.

The estate agent is then ready to upload these new, more compelling images of the home online. These “virtually staged” photos demonstrate to buyers the potential of the house and offer a vision of how it could be turned into a home.

Read more about our Virtual Home Staging service.


(1) https://www.zoopla.co.uk/discover/selling/home-staging-advice-to-sell-your-home-quickly/

(2 & 3) https://www.zoopla.co.uk/discover/property-news/house-price-index/

(4) https://www.getagent.co.uk/blog/first-time-sellers/how-many-viewings-to-sell-a-house


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