Download Our Free Sustainable Interior Design Fact Sheet

At Studio 15 Interiors, we are delighted to announce the launch of our latest resource: A free downloadable PDF fact sheet designed to guide you in creating sustainable interior designs for your home or business. We believe that every step towards sustainability counts, and this comprehensive guide will help you make informed decisions about sourcing materials that are both eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

To receive your copy of the fact sheet, simply click here, enter your email address, and we will send the fact sheet to you by email immediately. This valuable resource is now available to everyone interested in sustainably designed living and working environments.

Why Sustainability Matters

Sustainability in interior design is not just a trend. It is a crucial movement towards preserving our planet for future generations. Every small change we make can have a significant impact on the environment. By choosing sustainable materials and practices, we can reduce waste, lower carbon footprints, and create healthier living and working spaces. Sustainable interiors are not only beneficial for the planet but also promote well-being and long-term cost savings.

What's Inside the Fact Sheet?

Our fact sheet is packed with essential information and practical advice to help you source sustainable materials for your interior design projects. It covers various aspects, including furnishings, wallcoverings, flooring, lighting, and accessories. Additionally, it includes a separate A4 printable checklist summarising all the key points for quick reference. Including the following:


Learn how to select furniture that is environmentally friendly and durable. The fact sheet discusses: Reclaimed and Recycled Materials, Certified Wood, Vintage and Second-Hand Furnishings, Non-Toxic Finishes.


Discover sustainable options for your walls that are both stylish and eco-conscious. The fact sheet covers: Low VOC Paints, Natural Wallpapers, Recycled Content in Wallpapers.


Explore a range of sustainable flooring materials suitable for different spaces. The fact sheet highlights the following options:  FSC-certified or Reclaimed Wood, Bamboo and Cork, Natural Linoleum, Recycled Tiles or Ceramic / Porcelain Tiles.


Lighting is crucial for creating an inviting atmosphere and can be done sustainably. The fact sheet includes information about: LED Bulbs, Natural Light Maximisation, Eco-Friendly Fixtures, Smart Lighting Systems.


Complete your sustainable interior with eco-friendly accessories. The fact sheet suggests: Natural Textiles, Eco-Friendly Décor and Biodegradable Options.

Benefits of Sustainable Interiors for Homes

Creating a sustainable interior for your home has numerous advantages that extend beyond environmental benefits. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved Health and Well-Being

Sustainable materials often contain fewer harmful chemicals, which can significantly improve indoor air quality. Low VOC paints, non-toxic finishes, and natural textiles reduce exposure to allergens and toxins, promoting a healthier living environment for you and your family.

Cost Savings

While some sustainable materials might have a higher upfront cost, they often lead to long-term savings. Energy-efficient lighting, such as LED bulbs, reduces electricity bills, and durable materials like reclaimed wood or natural linoleum require less frequent replacement, saving you money over time.

Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal

Sustainable interiors often have a unique, timeless aesthetic. Materials like reclaimed wood or vintage furniture add character and charm to your home, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Sustainable design also encourages creativity, as you find innovative ways to repurpose and reuse materials.

Contribution to Environmental Conservation

By choosing sustainable materials and practices, you actively contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of waste. Every small step, from using recycled materials to opting for energy-efficient lighting, helps protect the environment.

Benefits of Sustainable Interiors for Businesses

Businesses, including retail stores, hotels, and cafes, can significantly benefit from incorporating sustainable interior design. Here are some of the advantages:

Alignment with Sustainability Goals

Many businesses have already defined a set of sustainability goals to reduce their environmental impact. Sustainable interior design is a practical way to work towards these goals, demonstrating a commitment to corporate social responsibility and attracting environmentally conscious customers.

Improved Customer Experience

Customers are increasingly valuing sustainability. Eco-friendly interiors can enhance the customer experience by providing a healthier and more pleasant environment. For instance, hotels with natural, non-toxic materials in their rooms can offer guests a more comfortable stay.

Cost Efficiency

Sustainable interiors can lead to cost savings for businesses. Energy-efficient lighting and appliances reduce utility bills, while durable materials require less frequent replacement. Additionally, sustainable design can qualify businesses for green certifications, potentially leading to tax benefits and incentives.

Positive Brand Image

Adopting sustainable practices can enhance your brand's reputation. Customers and clients appreciate businesses that take responsibility for their environmental impact. Sustainable interiors reflect your brand's values and commitment to sustainability, helping to build trust and loyalty.

Regulatory Compliance

With increasing environmental regulations, businesses must adhere to sustainability standards. Implementing sustainable interior design helps ensure compliance with these regulations, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.

Practical Considerations

While sustainable options offer many benefits, it's essential to consider their suitability for specific business needs. For example:

High Traffic Areas: Sustainable flooring materials like bamboo or cork may not be ideal for high-traffic areas. Instead, consider recycled or reclaimed materials designed to withstand heavy use.

Maintenance: Some sustainable materials require specific maintenance practices. Ensure your cleaning and maintenance routines are compatible with the materials chosen.

Cost vs. Benefit: Evaluate the cost-benefit ratio of sustainable materials for your business. While the initial investment might be higher, the long-term benefits often justify the expense.


At Studio 15 Interiors, we are passionate about promoting sustainable living and working environments. Our new fact sheet provides valuable insights and practical advice to help you make informed decisions about sustainable interior design. By choosing eco-friendly materials and practices, you can create beautiful, healthy, and sustainable spaces that benefit both people and the planet.

To download your free copy of the fact sheet, view this request form and enter your email address. We will send the fact sheet directly to your inbox, providing you with all the information you need to start your sustainable interior design journey.

Remember, every small change we make contributes to a more sustainable future. Join us in making a positive impact on the environment, one interior at a time.


When you work with Studio 15 Interiors, we offer you sustainable materials for all aspects of the design. We also offer you less sustainable options, but we feel strongly that everyone should have the chance to make a difference..

All our design packages include sustainable options.

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